Tag:gilbert newborn photographer

Newborn Victoria

Victoria was such a sweet, angel baby! She did amazing at her newborn shoot.

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Newborn Neal

Neal was so stinking cute! He did such a fabulous job and was so sleepy. I love that his parents brought fun props to add to the photos.

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Baby Maddie

This shoot was so fun! It was a three generation shoot with little baby Maddie who was only a few weeks old. Her mom, Amanda, had her mother in town so she really wanted some shots of the three girls together.

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Newborn Sage

I had the privilege to take photos of the Hall’s newest addition only a few weeks after their maternity/family session! Their little guy was now a big brother to a little sister!

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Newborn Mohini

It was so fun to take Mohini’s Gilbert newborn photography session! It took awhile, but we got great shots!

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Newborn Grace

It was great to take Grace’s Gilbert newborn photography session! We had a rough start, but after some feedings and many diaper changes, we got some great shots!

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Newborn Bennett

It was so fun to take Bennett’s Gilbert newborn photography session! We had a slow start, but after he was fed and happy, we got a lot of great shots.

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Newborn Diti

I was so thrilled to take Diti’s Gilbert newborn photography session! I had just taken Harika’s maternity session exactly a week before! She was due any day.

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Newborn Greyson

I had such a fabulous time taking Greyson’s Gilbert newborn photography session! He was such a great little model and was so sleepy. I was able to get him set up in several different positions and backgrounds without much fuss from him. That’s an amazing newborn!

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