Tag:chandler family photography

Scott Family

I’ve met a lot of the Scott’s extended family, but this time I met even more! There were sooooo many grandparents! Everyone was gathered for their little boy’s birthday.

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Benjamin 6 months

Oh my goodness! Benjamin is so adorable!! I’ve taken his photos since he was in mom’s tummy. He was SOOOO smiley during this shoot!

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Regular Mini’s #2

I love photographing families! There are so many cute kiddos!

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Abercrombie Family

It was great to take photos of this amazing family! We went to Veteran’s Oasis Park and it was a great day.

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James Family

It was a pleasure to take photos of this family again! I shot Kimberly and Leto’s wedding and since then have done a few shoots. This was Kimberly’s family and it was great to see them again.

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Hindman Family

It was great seeing this beautiful family again! Oh my these boys have gotten big and extra adorable.

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Gonzalez Family

It was great to meet this cute family! Their sweet daughter is autistic and I was more than happy to capture her sweet personality and smiles!

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Altenburg Family

What a cute family! It was so great meeting them and those little girls are so adorable!

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Juarez-Garcia Family

It was so fun meeting this family and taking their photos! They all did so well and we had a blast.

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